LeFaso.net, l'actualité Burkinabé sur le net
Proverbe du Jour : “Mieux vaut une tête bien faite qu’une tête bien pleine.” Montaigne

Cyber-escroquerie : Oceanic-Foundation International / The staatsloterij Lotto

Publié le samedi 9 septembre 2006 à 06h59min

PARTAGER :                          

REF NUMBER :[FL2/05/207152/SK/IE]

We are happy to inform you that your email address has been selected as one of the lucky email addresses in the category "B" of the online lotto conducted by OCEANIC FOUNDATION.


The cyber-Lotto was conducted by a first of its kind automated computer balloting system, where by email addresses(30,000 email addresses),were extracted from all continents of the world.A draw was held in different categories and winners emerged from different parts of the world and they are entitled to various cash prizes depending on their different categories.

Thus, you are entitled to a prize money of 850,000Eros ) Eight Hndred and Fifty Thousand Eros) Reference number for your prize is :[FL2/05/207152/SK/IE] Ticket number :[962901-PCF03] As a category B winner, you have been selected by computer balloting system where only email addresses are soughted,from a total number of 30,000 email addresses drawn from all over the globe.

After an automated computer ballot of our International Promotions Program, only ONE winner emerged in this category and therefore you are to receive payout of 850,000Eros )Eight Hndred and Fifty Thousand Eros)
This promotional program takes place every year, and is promoted and sponsored by eminent personalities like the Sultan of Brunei,and other corporate organisations.This is to encourage the use of the internet and computers worldwide.

To immediately claim your prize, please contact our fiduciary agent below are the contact information of your fiiduciary agent :


Amsterdam Netherland.
Contact:Mr.Pieter Van Daneil


Provide Prize reference number-[FL2/05/207152/SK/IE]and winning ticket number [962901-PCF03] for confirmation. In your best interest(s), you must initiate contact within one week of receipt of this correspondence.
You are to provide the below details, to enable the speedy evaluation and processing of your winnings. we advice that you adhere strictly to their procedures to avoid any disqualifications and subsequent cancellation


Lire le dossier sur la cyberescroquerie : Scam : gare à la cyberescroquerie !

PARTAGER :                              
 LeFaso TV
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