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Eddie Komboïgo, président du CDP : « Reconquérir le pouvoir d’Etat est maintenant notre objectif »

7 mai 2018, 08:27, par Z

I’m really sad about my country talking about politics. They are not a politician in Africa because they do not ability to govern. Afrique Mon afrique when we are going to wake up and really change our mentality and show the world that we are smart enough to prosper and develop our own country. All those old politicians need to be out and give the power to the young generation for better change,during all this years all those politicians are playing game with the population for better change and I m sorry for my people we need to wake up you already made mistake with mpp now you are going to make a big mistake again.for better change we need to
Build new school
Create industry
Traine people
Send those smart student out of state to have a better education and come back to used in Africa.

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