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General procurement notice (English version 3)

Publié le samedi 29 mai 2021 à 08h30min

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General procurement notice (English version 3)

Government of Burkina Faso
Version 3

The Government of Burkina Faso has received grant funding of thirty three million four hundred twenty one thousand four hundred nineteen US Dollars (US$ 33,421,419) from the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) of the United States Government to enable the Government of Burkina to develop its second Compact and achieve the objectives of the MCC Grant (« Compact Facilitation Funding » or « CFF »), and it intends to apply parts of the proceeds of the funds to payments for contracts for goods, works and services.

The procurement program for the next year will include the following :

Contracts for goods, works and services financed under the Program will be implemented according to the principles, rules and procedures set out in the MCC Program Procurement Guidelines (MCC PPG) which can be found on the MCC website at https://www.mcc.gov/resources/doc/050820-program-procurement-guidelines
The procurement is opened to all bidders/consultants from eligible source countries as defined in the MCC PPG.

Specific procurement notices for contracts to be tendered under the competitive bidding procedures and for consultant contracts will be announced, as they become available, on the UCF-Burkina website at http://www.ucfburkina.org, United Nations Development Business (UNDB) Online website at http://www.devbusiness.com , Development Gateway Market (dgMarket) website at http://www.dgmarket.com, in local newspapers, and other media outlets as appropriate.

Interested eligible consultants who wish to be included on the mailing list to receive a copy of advertisements, or those requiring additional information, should contact :

Interim Procurement Representative
Email : sadouamba@ucfburkina.org

Copy to :

Monsieur Samuel Tambi KABORE, National Coordinator
Unité de Coordination de la Formulation du second Compact du Burkina (“UCF-Burkina”) 83, avenue John Kennedy, Immeuble Barack Obama, 01 BP 6443 Ouagadougou 01
Tél : +226 25 49 75 75
Email : stkabore@ucfburkina.org

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