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Opération Doofu : Human Rights Watch appelle les FDS à respecter les droits humains

25 mai 2019, 12:07, par verite no1

Burkina Faso is an Independant country and we dont take any lesson from anybody, no matter who you are. You know that your government created terrorism to give hard time to minority and we all know that. Have you ever criticize what is going on in Syria, Lybia, Yemen etc.. ? No ! Because it is not your business ! I am telling you to leave our people alone ! You are the terrorist ! I know, you put pressure on people from MBDHP to criticize our government ! For your information terrorist dont have rights, point bar !!!!!!! That must stay in your head.
Webmaster, il faut la laisser lire mon anglais de Zabre Daaga !!!!!!!