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Distinction : Lassina Zerbo fait Commandeur de l’ordre national burkinabè

13 janvier 2015, 18:05, par Mariama Madi

Congratulations, Excellency Lassina Zerbo, I was fortunate to talk to you many times during Peaceful purposes regarding Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty CTBTO events in Vienna. One year and half behind us since you’re elected CTBTO Executive Secretary, and here again receiving this DISTINCTION, I am proud of you Excellency, I wish you to be by this same Distinction the first advocate of a Great Nation which is Burkina Faso, an ’’INTELLIGENT" State by remembrance of peace to him "Tomas Ankara", a country recently has been showing a strong need of CHANGE by excluding former President, definitely, I have been seeing you acting, working as an elephant for peaceful purpose, I would like to renew my Congratulations and wish you a strong, long, tremendous and fruitful journey through the process of Peace and Liberty to your wonderful Country Burkina Faso :

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