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Burundi : Décès brutal du président Pierre Nkurunziza

10 juin 2020, 12:42, par Leiw

Je me demande quel sens ca fait d’ecrire en anglais sur un Forum en francais. Qui vous dit que les lecteurs dcomprennent anglais ? Donc a bien raison de ne pas vous publiez Monsieur Shakespeare !


Hello Passakziri,
I am sorry to inform you that I had written my opinion on and the site didn’t publish it. The site just published my complaints. is starting not be a credible site because whenever you voice your opinion that directly or indirectly speak of European in general and their behaviors toward African, will automatically sensor your opinion. I firmly that is everything except facilitating the freedom of opinion because have suppressed at five of my analysis within the last three months. As far as Passakziri who thinks that should sensor my opinion because I am speaking in French, therefore my opinion doesn’t matter. But Mr. Passakziri French is not any ethnic dialect in burkina faso. Why don’t you write in bobo, moree, or peul. If I speak my dialect you will not understand anyways. Mr. Passakziri Emanuel Macron speaks very well English even though he more French than you. I don’t have to speak French because it not an international language. Only English is the international language. Good luck to you and faso .net. It will hard for burkina faso to move forward if the press is blocking the freedom of speech in the favor of people who have oppressed for centuries.
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