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Message de Blaise Compaoré à la nation suite aux manifestations de février et de mars 2011

30 mars 2011, 22:58, par European Burkina fan

I’m sorry to write in english but my french is to horrible in writing.
It is known that there are a lot of problems in BF. A country I adore.
Power is nog divided, not political (cause Blaise could easily change the constitution), not by defence ( the system is totally corrupt) and not social (young adults are not taken for full).
If you really want to develop the country you have to start at the beginning.
Dont ; try to copie Europe....they are really no good example. Go searching for the persons with an open mind. With respect for culture but looking for gaining power of becoming importend. A coalition of youg and old. People with high education and ambition to change burkina but with interest and a sincere desire to understand what the ’working people’ are waiting for.
Not those big projects like a new hospital in Ouagadougou, but irrigation systems, docters that drive around in rural areas, good education, electricity and water supplies etc.

The problems with the military, police, lawyers etc are all a symtome, they are not the source.
So Mr. President I dare you. Give an exemple an take the first steps.
- militaires behaving badly means punishment
- end of terms for the president - don’t change the law but step down.

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