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Olivia Rouamba, ministre des Affaires étrangères : « La démocratie oui, mais il le faut à l’africaine »

23 octobre 2023, 15:49, par Fuck French

I have noticed that there many people out here that behave like they are not aware of the current situation of our country (Burkina Faso). We all know that the democracy for Africa is far away different from the west and America. We have people that think there intelligent, by contrast they are everything apart from intelligent. We Africans must come together as one to develop, you can all notice we are already late. We have to step thinking just for oneself but for ourselves ( everybody). And for those who are not Burkinese better for you to stay away if you will not propose something valuable. Thank you. Burkina Faso ♥️ today, Burkina Faso ♥️tomorrow. Fatherland or death 🇧🇫💪💪

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