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Filière karité : Le digital peut améliorer les rendements, selon une étude du Fonds d’équipement des Nations unies

29 mai 2020, 12:32, par Leiw

Dear El Jean,
I think you have missed my points. I am not white washing our responsibility as countries, people or leaders. What I am trying to do to bring awareness within our dear society. In addition, my email was not destined for people who really don’t know what i am talking about. Subsequently, my idea was not to solicit funds from NGO. I do understand that NGO are protecting their own interests. But that doesn’t mean that the NGO will not profit on helping farmers established a karite farm. However, my way of bringing up this awareness was to catch the attention so that maybe someone in the higher up can read it and start thinking about it. My message was to let the know that they need to prioritize their own interests instead of always following what other people are telling to do. I don’t know why people are just nasty to a point they pick up on such a contribution to a debate and turn it into anger. Dear EL Jean if you have followed the answers to my intervention, you would realize it that my email was meant to start something with someone positive who expressed an interest of collaboration. It is always easy to criticize our government, but we as regular citizens also need to appreciate one other perspective without being so negative. Let’s be positive and not trying to undermine each other since we even don’t know one other. Dear EL Jean i am sure you are a smart and a good person, but since you don’t know me, it may not be wise to indirectly question what i am doing to improve my country. As i don’t know you (EL Jean), I will never question your inputs to our country either. Therefore, please don’t worry about my contact, but someone who wants to collaborate has manifested an interest. I appreciated your concerns and contributions.
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