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Filière karité : Le digital peut améliorer les rendements, selon une étude du Fonds d’équipement des Nations unies

29 mai 2020, 11:15, par ELJean

Mr. Leiw, we must avoid deluding ourselves. NGOs and international structures are not responsible for our situation more than we ourselves. You speak of personal initiative for the regeneration of forest resources. It is driven by the pursuit of profit. So you only think of an individual interest since it is entrepreneurship you will do. What have you done in the sense of raising awareness in Africa, about the situation you observe ? In short, we are always asked and I insist on it, "Avoid looking everywhere for scapegoats". We and our governments are primarily responsible for our own situation. Which government told an NGO to leave their territory and they refused. Which asked the NGOs to finance a forest resource regeneration project and they refused. So I just wanted to say that initiatives must come from us and from those who want to support us. But I do not agree with the idea that you want to convey. NGOs also want to secure their investments. Their survival depends on it. Because resources are mobilized from individuals. And we all know the poor. We do not give money to an individual to develop an activity. In 99% of cases you will not have a return. In such a context you ask an NGO to finance your country with cash. Let’s be objective. It is our leaders and ourselves who must develop initiatives to regenerate our forest resources and not for NGOs and international structures to do so. Don’t give your email. Write about it. Develop an awareness initiative and you will see that the very NGOs will support you. A word to the wise ! Hello ! © 2003-2023 ne saurait être tenu responsable des contenus "articles" provenant des sites externes partenaires.
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