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Filière karité : Le digital peut améliorer les rendements, selon une étude du Fonds d’équipement des Nations unies

27 mai 2020, 12:44, par Chris

Dear Leiw,
Your post is intriguing because of the choice of the language you used. I was sure I will discover a treasure and as I was convinced your choice is not by random but you want to address to people able to appreciate a professional analysis and you denounce what is exactly going on and really I read it with interest and want to thank you for it.
You have set up the hypocrisy of all that so call partners of development who do everything than really helping our farmers to improve their incomes and go out of poverty. They are often and always trying to get profit under projects at their advantage an this is really a pity ; and if we do not act we are accountable for this crime against our farmers.
So, I am interested in the actions you are doing in the field as a technician to help the stakeholders to be aware of this and change their objectives. Will you be interested in growing such a field of karite somewhere in the country and try to implement your ideas to help the situation ?
I just believe that ideas such as yours, might not be only a comment on a newspaper but we should try to do it. We Africans have to start our development and not waiting for someone else to do it, because the right people to do the right thing for us at the right time can be anyone else than Africans ourselves. So, please let me join to make it happen.
Sincerely chris. © 2003-2023 ne saurait être tenu responsable des contenus "articles" provenant des sites externes partenaires.
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