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Filière karité : Le digital peut améliorer les rendements, selon une étude du Fonds d’équipement des Nations unies

27 mai 2020, 12:25, par Yirmegna

Very good analysis indeed ! People are totally missing the point. NGOs are just there for vested private interests or to cover up for so European salaries. Unless we people in the Ecowas zone where Karine is predominant, invest time and resources to do research and add value to our tree products for local market and consumption first we are wasting our time. Tell me does any of those NGO like TREEAID can show to us just 1 ha of Shea plantation that they are managing themselves ? Not sure. If I am a decision maker one day the first would be to reorganize all NGOs and those so called donors : if you do not want to invest in priority sector please leave. All resource and their projects sites should be under the control of the state. You are TreeAid we need you to replenish tree cover in the Sahel not to become a seller. © 2003-2023 ne saurait être tenu responsable des contenus "articles" provenant des sites externes partenaires.
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