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Covid-19 : Des experts chinois et un important lot de matériels attendus le 16 avril à Ouagadougou

20 avril 2020, 12:17, par Leiw

Dear Mr. Ka,
My intention was not to get you upset however, I was raising awareness about we African relationship with the Chinese in general. I just wanted to point out certain tricks that Chinese people used to take you off guard and then give you blow (punch) that you will never resume back to normal. And by the time you know, they are gone. I do understand that you have spent a short period of time in one the Chinese village to learn the language which is great. But you have been there for short time, not a longtime. If you had decided to live there, you would have found out how or who you were dealing with. You were just there for a specific goal. My worry is that we African, especially Burkinabe have behaved the same exact ways with the West (Europe) and now we are stuck. We must learn from our mistakes of the past and start behaving like intelligent people instead of the romantic relationship of so called "friends or brotherhood". I guarantee you, if you have had the opportunity to meet Chinese people somewhere other than (Africa) burkina, you will find out if he (Chinese) will even think of you as human being. In the U.S. you have some of the largest community of Chinese people and everyone knows how their treat Black people in general. I am not asking you Mr. Ka to approve whether my observation is credible or not. I am just stating the facts and the reality of the African diaspora experience with your so called friend or brothers, the Chinese people. You need to stop being naive about the reality. Let’s be cleared. I am not suggesting that we shall not do business with the Chinese. What I am saying is to be aware of all the emotional traps words the ambassador is using. Because, i am burkinabe and i know how we value friendship and brotherhood. The Chinese people don’t value it the same way. They see you only as mean to an end. You are resources (tools) and that is all they see. Whether it was a manipulation or not, we have all seen the way Africans were treated in china few weeks ago. And all the Chinese officials were ignoring the facts. They acted as if it was a surprised. This is how the Chinese behaves. Everything is a surprised to them. Please fellows don’t be ignorant. You will understand one day, when Chinatown is established in Burkina Faso. Maybe You will no be able to live or eat there. I hope that Chinatown in burkina will welcome burkinabe there, but i doubt it. As far as me writing in English, I am very comfortable in doing so. But even if I write in any native dialect from Burkina Faso, you would have made the same critique on why i wrote in Mooree or Bobo. Macron during his speech, called Africans " BOTHERS" and see how the French treat us. Be very careful my fellow Burkinabe, the Chinese take time and learn very well then does it better than the master their learned from. Please don’t be naive. Keep your ears and eyes open.
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