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> Cyberescroquerie : Don de la Fondation Di Vittorio, ENCORE !

22 mai 2007, 14:06, par Clr

(Recu le 22/05/07) merci à Cyberescroquerie, j’ai bien failli y croire !!!

L’adresse mail étant légeremment différente :
Executive Secretary- Giovani Galantucci Email : Finally, all funds should be claimed by their respective beneficiaries, no later than10 days after notification. Failure to do so will mean cancellation of that beneficiary and its donation will then be reserved for next year ?s recipients. On behalf of the Board kindly, accept our warmest congratulations. Regards Jamie Davids (Foundation officer) DON NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL. CONTACT THE EXECUTIVE OFFICER IN YOUR PAYMENT ZONE VIA EMAIL : " © 2003-2023 ne saurait être tenu responsable des contenus "articles" provenant des sites externes partenaires.
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