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Proverbe du Jour : “Chaque fois que vous voyez une entreprise qui réussit, dites-vous que c’est parce qu’un jour quelqu’un a pris une décision courageuse. ” De Peter Drucker, Professeur en management d’entreprise

Is inviting applications for the following position : USAID project development specialist (Peace and Governance)


Publié le jeudi 28 juin 2018 à 08h16min

PARTAGER :                          
Is inviting applications for the following position : USAID project  development specialist (Peace and Governance)

(Position is open to all Burkina nationals and those eligible for permanent residence and authorization to work in Burkina Faso).

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is the leading U.S. Government agency responsible for the U.S. foreign development assistance with the twofold purpose of furthering America’s interests while improving lives in the developing world. USAID carries out U.S. foreign policy by promoting broad-scale human progress at the same time it expands stable, free societies, creates markets and trade partners for the United States, and fosters good will abroad. Spending less than 1 percent of the total federal budget, USAID works in over 100 countries to :
Promote broadly shared economic prosperity ; Strengthen democracy and good governance ; Protect human rights ; Improve global health, Advance food security and agriculture ; Improve environmental sustainability ; Further education ; Help societies prevent and recover from conflicts ; and Provide humanitarian assistance in the wake of natural and man-made disasters.


USAID Project Development Specialist (Peace and Governance)


Under the direct supervision of the Democracy, Rights & Governance (DRG) Officer, the Peace and Governance Specialist (PGS)

is responsible for the management of peace, security and governance activities in Burkina Faso, particularly in the area of Counter

Violence & Extremism (CVE), but also including governance efforts within USAID’s resilience programming. The PGS acts as

advisor on project planning and implementation, monitoring and evaluation, financial management supervision, and other issues as needed.

The PGS should possess a thorough knowledge of the Democracy and Governance portfolio, and keeps abreast of technical developments in the country. The PGS is familiar with project management and understands the various types of documentation

 task order, cooperative agreement, and grant documents, evaluations and field trip reports- as well as work plans and monitoring and evaluation plans. S/He maintains close working relations with the implementing partners, USAID regional staff

in Accra and Dakar, and assumes management functioning of the technical office in the absence of the Governance and Democracy Officer.

This position requires exercise of broad individual judgment, overseeing the management of resources, implement programs,

and coordinating relations with high-level representatives inside and outside of the USG. The political environment in Burkina

Faso is highly complex and frequently unpredictable, and the PGS must be flexible and able to provide advice on peace and

governance approaches and activities amid rapidly changing circumstances.

The complete position description listing all of the duties and responsibilities may be obtained under Career section of

USAID website at https://bf.usembassy.gov/embassy/jobs/

CLOSING DATE : July 06th, 2018

Applicants must submit the following documents to be considered :

* A cover letter

* An AID 302-3 form (form can be found on this website) : https://bf.usembassy.gov/embassy/jobs/

* A detailed resume

* 3 References

* Copies of relevant degrees

All the above mentioned documents are REQUIRED, must be prepared in ENGLISH and should be addressed as follows :

Attention of the Human Resources Office, US Embassy, Ouagadougou at : HROouaga@state.gov

NOTE : Please include the Reference of the Vacancy Announcement you are applying for.


PARTAGER :                              
 LeFaso TV
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