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The U.S. Mission in Ouagadougou is seeking eligible and qualified applicants for the position of Gardener


Publié le jeudi 11 novembre 2021 à 08h00min

PARTAGER :                          
The U.S. Mission in Ouagadougou is seeking eligible and qualified applicants for the position of Gardener



The U.S. Mission in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso is seeking eligible and qualified applicants for the position of Gardener in the Facility Maintenance Section.
Opening Date : November 05, 2021

Closing Date : November 19, 2021
Open to all interested candidates/ All Sources
Work Schedule : Full-time (40 hours/week)
SALARY : *Ordinarily Resident (OR) : CFA 4,849,472p.a. (Starting Salary)
(Position Grade : FSN-02)



This is one of several gardener positions located in the Facility Maintenance Section. Day-to-day supervision is provided by the Gardener Supervisor. Overall supervision is by the Facility Manager. Duties of this position involve the care and maintenance of the grounds (soft cape — trees, shrubbery, grass, flowers, etc. ; and, hardscape — paved and gravel areas, etc.) at the Chancery compound and the residential compounds ; and, swimming pool care.


1. EDUCATION : Completion of primary school education is required.

2. EXPERIENCE : One-year prior gardening experience is required.

3. LANGUAGE : Level II (Limited knowledge) speaking/writing French is required.

Level II (Limited knowledge) speaking/writing English is required. These may be tested.

4. SKILLS AND ABILITIES : Must be able to use all gardening tools and swimming pool cleaning equipment. Must be able to bend, kneel, and walk short distances. Must be able to lift 20 kilos. These may be tested

5. JOB KNOWLEDGE : General gardening and swimming pool cleaning techniques.


A) Applicants must complete the following application process to be considered :
• Create an account on the Electronic Recruitment Application (ERA) Website at https://erajobs.state.gov/dos-era/bfa/vacancysearch/searchVacancies.hms
• Choose Announcement Number Ouaga-2021-043 Gardener and complete the online application.

• Upload any additional documentation that supports or addresses the requirements listed above (e.g. resume, cover letter, degrees certificates, wok permits & SF 50 if applicable) into the Electronic Recruitment Application system

B) Required documentation/attachments : Applicants must electronically submit the documents listed below to be considered for employment. Failure to do so may result in a determination that the applicant is not eligible and qualified.

• Primary School Certificate not transcripts
• Residency and/or Work Permit (If applicable)
• DD-214 - Member Copy 4, Letter from Veterans’ Affairs, or other supporting documentation (if applicable)
• SF-50 (if applicable)
• Copy of Work Attestations/Certificates.

What to Expect Next : Only applicants who are invited to take a language or skills test, or who are selected for an interview will be contacted via telephone calls and email.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION : Go to https://bf.usembassy.gov/embassy/jobs/.The complete position description listing all of the duties and responsibilities may be obtained directly from the Electronic recruitment system (ERA) or by contacting the Human Resources Office at HROouaga@state.gov.

Note :

 All applications received after the deadline will not be considered.
 All applications must be for an open/advertised position.
 Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY : The U.S. Mission provides equal opportunity and fair and equitable treatment in employment to all people without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, political affiliation, marital status, or sexual orientation. The Department of State also strives to achieve equal employment opportunity in all personnel operations through continuing diversity enhancement programs. The EEO complaint procedure is not available to individuals who believe they have been denied equal opportunity based upon marital status or political affiliation. Individuals with such complaints should avail themselves of the appropriate grievance procedures, remedies for prohibited personnel practices, and/or courts for relief.

PARTAGER :                              


  • Je suis jardinier un peu expérimenté pour avoir déjà travaillé dans une résidence

  • Garçon respectueux des règles établies et ayant beaucoup de respect pour la hiérarchie et l’habitude du travail sous pression, je me vois être un travailleur idéal pour votre structure.Ma motivation est surtout due à la rigueur,au travail,au respect de la hiérarchie et aux horaires de travail.je serai très heureux de travailler au compte de l’ambassade en qualité de jardinage.je dispose d’une expérience dans le jardin.vu ma disponibilité,mon enthousiasme et ma soif de travailler,je suis sûr que je serai un atout pour le poste de jardinage.

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