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Filière karité : Le digital peut améliorer les rendements, selon une étude du Fonds d’équipement des Nations unies

mardi 26 mai 2020.


Le Fonds d’équipements des Nations-Unies (FENU) en anglais United Nations capital development fund (UNCDF) a animé un atelier, le mardi 26 mai 2020, par vidéo conférence, en partenariat avec le Projet Weoog Paani, mis en œuvre par le consortium TREE AID UNCDF et SNV. Il s’est agi de la restitution d’une étude menée par UNCDF, sur les opportunités de digitalisation dans la chaine de valeur karité au Burkina Faso.

Ils sont une trentaine de personnes environ, acteurs de la filière karité (production, transformation et commercialisation), structures de finance, de téléphonie mobile, structures étatiques et privées, partenaires au projet et structures de mise en œuvre du projet, à prendre part à cet atelier de validation organisé par UNCDF. Financée par UNCDF, l’étude sur les opportunités de digitalisation dans la chaine de valeur karité, qui fait l’objet de validation, a été réalisée en partenariat avec le projet Weoog-Paani et la coopération Luxembourgeoise.

L’objectif de l’atelier est de permettre aux acteurs de la chaine de valeur karité, de prendre connaissance des conclusions de l’étude sur les opportunités de digitalisation dans la chaine de valeur karité, pour une appropriation et une adoption d’un plan d’action opérationnel, a expliqué Hermann Messan, responsable pays de UNCDF, à l’ouverture de l’atelier. De manière spécifique, s’étend le responsable pays de UNCDF, il s’agit d’échanger sur les opportunités du karité, de partager l’expérience de digitalisation dans la chaine de valeur, d’amender et valider le plan d’action de mise en œuvre des recommandations de l’étude.

Awa Sawadogo, conseillère technique à UNCDF

Awa Sawadogo, conseillère technique de UNCDF, montre que l’étude a été réalisée courant 2019 sur les régions du Centre, du Centre-ouest et des Hauts-Bassins. Elle ajoute que l’étude a révélé que la filière karité est une filière à fort potentiel en termes de revenus et de création d’emplois. Malgré les efforts d’organisation, la filière fait face à de nombreux défis. Dans la dynamique de ces défis, l’étude révèle que le digital est un support important pour améliorer les rendements de la filière et accroitre les revenus des acteurs.

Il est alors ressorti, selon Awa Sawadogo, qu’il y a la possibilité de digitaliser les moyens de paiements, les informations non-financières, toute information sur les aspects environnementaux et de gouvernance de la ressource et la traçabilité des différents process. Pour Magloire Hein, secrétaire permanent de l’interprofession table filière karité, la digitalisation des chaines de valeur karité est le meilleur moyen pour optimiser et sécuriser la création des richesses. Il salue l’étude qui pour lui arrive à point nommé.

Magloire Hein, secrétaire permanent de l’interprofession table filière karité.

C’est avec l’appui financier de la Coopération luxembourgeoise, que UNCDF met en œuvre le Programme d’appui à la résilience économique et climatique à travers les innovations financières et digitales (PARI). Un programme qui utilise le digital comme catalyseur de l’inclusion financière des populations vulnérables. Il vise donc à contribuer à l’accroissement de la productivité et des revenus, en tirant profit du potentiel des innovations digitales afin d’améliorer l’accès au financement et aux opportunités économiques pour les exploitants agricoles et les micros petites et moyennes entreprises.

Quant au projet « Weoog-Paani » dont Tree Aid est le lead, il est financé par l’ambassade de Suède au Burkina et mis en œuvre par un consortium de trois structures dont UNCDF, les ONG Tree Aid et SNV. Il vise à promouvoir la gouvernance locale des ressources forestières, afin d’optimiser leur gestion et les revenus des exploitants ruraux. Sur la présente étude, UNCDF dans le cadre de PARI a travaillé avec le projet « Weoog-Paani ». L’activité de restitution, précise Hermann Messan, constitue un résultat du projet PARI et un intrant pour le projet Weoog-Paani.

Etienne Lankoandé

Vos commentaires

  • Le 27 mai 2020 à 07:29, par Leiw En réponse à : Filière karité : Le digital peut améliorer les rendements, selon une étude du Fonds d’équipement des Nations unies

    Dear fellows burkinabé,
    After reading this article, I believe that you are missing the entire points on what to do in Agribusiness, and you don’t know your priority either. Today, in BURKINA Faso, the sector of agriculture and agro -forestry is not a matter of digital studies. The real problem is that we listening to people who either don’t want us to develop our agriculture or they are ignorant about the reality of our country. Once again, You burkinabé, You need to prioritize your needs. First and foremost, has anyone ever financed a grower or a plant breeder to do research on Karite tree on how to improve yield ? Has any NGO ever financed any plant breeder on setting up a research on finding a varieties of karity that can be commercially viable and cultivated in masses ? Have you ever heard any NGO involved in setting up a karite farm just like the cashews farm ? The NGO or any of your so called technical financial officers or partners will never ever mention this idea to you. The only thing they do is to distract you with something that collects your money and your information. Why anyone who doesn’t have a karite farm will need to know about digital to sell karite nut ? Please guys stop. You are wasting your time with all these non-sense coming from Europe. The biggest issue is that the European will not help you develop the cultivation of tree nuts such as karite because the karite nut can directly compete with the cacao produce from Ivory Coast. Karite tree last for many years and if You know how breed and commercialize as large scale agribusiness, it will affect the cacao market. In addition, karite tree doesn’t need lots of water. It is a sustainable crops. And yet your so called partners are not helping you to improve its cultivation. The reason i am saying is because I have done many researches on plants and agribusiness. Breeding karite to a commercial level can be done but it will take a little time. We have a big opportunity in burkina faso as far as agriculture and agribusiness however, we easily get distracted with all the non-sense coming from people who are not agronomist, pants scientists or botanist. The majority of people that are giving their opinions about agriculture has no idea what they are talking about. They just want to have a job or be part of a project or sell their platform. Digital is not what we need now in the fields or on the farm. We only need digital for the time being to store, process and package our crops. We need to improve our yield by improving and control our agriculture inputs (fertilizers, pesticides, and the integrated pests management). We need to train farmers in IPM and how to mix pesticides in safe ways while protecting the environment. We need to know the types of pesticides and fertilizers that are coming in from others countries. We need to set up an entire control system to record all pesticides and fertilizers use by farmers in the nation. They are more things we can do to improve our foods supply and raise the income of farmers and cut down unemployment in burkina faso. We need technicians not bureaucratic. I am a technician that ’s why I understand these issues just like any other technicians do. Stop distracting people with all the digital in farming you are not helping the farmers instead, you are taking their money and charging them fees for their transaction on your platform.
    If you need to more on what I am saying, you can post me a message on

  • Le 27 mai 2020 à 12:25, par Yirmegna En réponse à : Filière karité : Le digital peut améliorer les rendements, selon une étude du Fonds d’équipement des Nations unies

    @ LEIW
    Very good analysis indeed ! People are totally missing the point. NGOs are just there for vested private interests or to cover up for so European salaries. Unless we people in the Ecowas zone where Karine is predominant, invest time and resources to do research and add value to our tree products for local market and consumption first we are wasting our time. Tell me does any of those NGO like TREEAID can show to us just 1 ha of Shea plantation that they are managing themselves ? Not sure. If I am a decision maker one day the first would be to reorganize all NGOs and those so called donors : if you do not want to invest in priority sector please leave. All resource and their projects sites should be under the control of the state. You are TreeAid we need you to replenish tree cover in the Sahel not to become a seller.

  • Le 27 mai 2020 à 12:44, par Chris En réponse à : Filière karité : Le digital peut améliorer les rendements, selon une étude du Fonds d’équipement des Nations unies

    Dear Leiw,
    Your post is intriguing because of the choice of the language you used. I was sure I will discover a treasure and as I was convinced your choice is not by random but you want to address to people able to appreciate a professional analysis and you denounce what is exactly going on and really I read it with interest and want to thank you for it.
    You have set up the hypocrisy of all that so call partners of development who do everything than really helping our farmers to improve their incomes and go out of poverty. They are often and always trying to get profit under projects at their advantage an this is really a pity ; and if we do not act we are accountable for this crime against our farmers.
    So, I am interested in the actions you are doing in the field as a technician to help the stakeholders to be aware of this and change their objectives. Will you be interested in growing such a field of karite somewhere in the country and try to implement your ideas to help the situation ?
    I just believe that ideas such as yours, might not be only a comment on a newspaper but we should try to do it. We Africans have to start our development and not waiting for someone else to do it, because the right people to do the right thing for us at the right time can be anyone else than Africans ourselves. So, please let me join to make it happen.
    Sincerely chris.

  • Le 27 mai 2020 à 13:43, par Clerze En réponse à : Filière karité : Le digital peut améliorer les rendements, selon une étude du Fonds d’équipement des Nations unies

    Leiw, You’re totally right. Shea tree population is threatened but nobody is warning about that. We (geneticist) everyday are talking about the lack of regeneration of shea tree but nobody is listening us. Unfortunatly fund are focused on transformation and trading, nothing to improve the potential of shea tree

  • Le 28 mai 2020 à 01:24, par Leiw En réponse à : Filière karité : Le digital peut améliorer les rendements, selon une étude du Fonds d’équipement des Nations unies

    Dear Chris, yirmegna and clerze,
    I knew my analysis can only be appreciated by smart and forward thinkers like all of you. Indeed I am really interested in implementing some these types of projects in my country, The Burkina Faso. We do have so much resources such as native plants and we are totally mindless of improving something that is already there as native. The Karite tree is one of most versatile agro-forestry tree that our partners will discourage us from exploring the opportunity. It is very resistant tree ever in the nature and the environment of the sahel. We are focusing on growing teck trees for only the wood and nothing else. But karite when well process, can be transformed to, or become byproducts in chocolate production. One of the research I have examined few years ago on Karite production was done by European researchers. They concluded that the yield of shea nut per tree was less that one kilogram. From that point, I started to wonder if these researchers knew how much a karite plant can produce or they are trying to discourage the cultivation of karite plant. Another suggestion, in the Dori and the yatenga region, why can we promote the cultivation of date palm or olive trees there ? During Ramadan, our brothers and sisters Muslims buy date palm to break the fast. The industry of date palm and olive oil is one of the biggest industries ever. We have the climate for the production of date palm and olive tree. We just need people with conviction to help our farmers out of poverty. In the Orodaga region, we can add values and promote our citrus industry. I am just worried about the citrus farm in BURKINA. Because there is a virus that is killing the citrus trees slowly. I am not sure if the entomologist from Burkina Faso are well aware of that virus. The virus cause a disease called
    Huanglongbing. It is a bad disease for citrus plants. Be very careful with that. It can decimate the entire citrus industry in burkina. Anyways, I am always ready to serve my country if my country needs me. We can all stay in contact and I can be reach at

  • Le 29 mai 2020 à 11:15, par ELJean En réponse à : Filière karité : Le digital peut améliorer les rendements, selon une étude du Fonds d’équipement des Nations unies

    Mr. Leiw, we must avoid deluding ourselves. NGOs and international structures are not responsible for our situation more than we ourselves. You speak of personal initiative for the regeneration of forest resources. It is driven by the pursuit of profit. So you only think of an individual interest since it is entrepreneurship you will do. What have you done in the sense of raising awareness in Africa, about the situation you observe ? In short, we are always asked and I insist on it, "Avoid looking everywhere for scapegoats". We and our governments are primarily responsible for our own situation. Which government told an NGO to leave their territory and they refused. Which asked the NGOs to finance a forest resource regeneration project and they refused. So I just wanted to say that initiatives must come from us and from those who want to support us. But I do not agree with the idea that you want to convey. NGOs also want to secure their investments. Their survival depends on it. Because resources are mobilized from individuals. And we all know the poor. We do not give money to an individual to develop an activity. In 99% of cases you will not have a return. In such a context you ask an NGO to finance your country with cash. Let’s be objective. It is our leaders and ourselves who must develop initiatives to regenerate our forest resources and not for NGOs and international structures to do so. Don’t give your email. Write about it. Develop an awareness initiative and you will see that the very NGOs will support you. A word to the wise ! Hello !

  • Le 29 mai 2020 à 12:32, par Leiw En réponse à : Filière karité : Le digital peut améliorer les rendements, selon une étude du Fonds d’équipement des Nations unies

    Dear El Jean,
    I think you have missed my points. I am not white washing our responsibility as countries, people or leaders. What I am trying to do to bring awareness within our dear society. In addition, my email was not destined for people who really don’t know what i am talking about. Subsequently, my idea was not to solicit funds from NGO. I do understand that NGO are protecting their own interests. But that doesn’t mean that the NGO will not profit on helping farmers established a karite farm. However, my way of bringing up this awareness was to catch the attention so that maybe someone in the higher up can read it and start thinking about it. My message was to let the know that they need to prioritize their own interests instead of always following what other people are telling to do. I don’t know why people are just nasty to a point they pick up on such a contribution to a debate and turn it into anger. Dear EL Jean if you have followed the answers to my intervention, you would realize it that my email was meant to start something with someone positive who expressed an interest of collaboration. It is always easy to criticize our government, but we as regular citizens also need to appreciate one other perspective without being so negative. Let’s be positive and not trying to undermine each other since we even don’t know one other. Dear EL Jean i am sure you are a smart and a good person, but since you don’t know me, it may not be wise to indirectly question what i am doing to improve my country. As i don’t know you (EL Jean), I will never question your inputs to our country either. Therefore, please don’t worry about my contact, but someone who wants to collaborate has manifested an interest. I appreciated your concerns and contributions.

  • Le 29 mai 2020 à 16:42, par pitoyable En réponse à : Filière karité : Le digital peut améliorer les rendements, selon une étude du Fonds d’équipement des Nations unies

    Depuis plus de 2 décennies, combien de milliards et de projets qui partent dans tous les sens ont été gaspillés dans cette filière karité avec une multitude d’acteurs (ONG, institutions internationales, PTF, experts internationaux en tout genre qui ne font que se succéder, etc.) ? et pour quel résultat ? Zéro et on n’avance pas. Pire, on recule ! car les parcs à karité sont vieillissant ! Une des tares majeures de cette filière est le désordre permanent des acteurs toujours très mal organisés depuis des décennies. La plus-value est toujours captée par les importateurs pour la production de cosmétiques vendus à prix d’or sur les marchés occidentaux ou revendus sur le marché burkinabè. Que faisons nous pour créer de la valeur ajoutée sur place en valorisant la production ? pas grand chose ! La seule innovation majeure est le karité greffé qui permet d’avoir des fruits et donc des noix très vite et, non attendre, 20 ans ou plus à partir d’un arbre planté ou issu d’une noix ! Donc, dans ce contexte, le digital n’apportera rien ! Il faut plus tôt s’attaquer aux problèmes évoquées et aux autres que je n’ai pas cité car la liste est longue ! Il est grand temps que les opérateurs nationaux s’organisent, investissent eux-mêmes dans la filière en mobilisant les ressources nationales (chercheurs, banques,...) et de dire STOP à ce grand cirque de la coopération dans cette filière où les projets se succèdent avec des experts nationaux, africains ou internationaux payés à prix d’or !