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Kompienbiga (Est du Burkina) : Plusieurs personnes tuées au marché de bétail

30 mai 2020, 20:59, par Leiw

Hello Everyone,
I believe it’s time for every person in Burkina Faso to own assault weapons of any kind. When you analyze what is taking place in the northern part of the country, you will realize that the so called terrorists are taking advantage of the weakness of our citizens and killing them like animals. Our citizens have no means to defend themselves because the government forbid them to own any weapons for protection. With the respect to our army and the security forces, that are protecting the people, but people need to protect themselves too. The army can’t be everywhere in the country. The army personal are also exposed to being killed by these terrorists too. The best way to help the army and the security forces is to arm the citizens too. When the citizens are armed, before the security forces arrive, the citizens can take care of business. No one want to let their families be killed if they have the mean to defend themselves. Hello guys wake up. In America, everyone or the majority of people have weapons to protect themselves. It’s prescribed in the American’s constitution. Why can’t you guys copy what works best for other countries and replicate for yourself ? Especially in the time where government is under the sanctions of acquiring heavy weapons and with no resources. It is time for the government to stop listening to some partners that are advising them with bad ideas and let the people defend themselves. When a terrorist knows that in the market place that every person owns a weapon, do you think they will come and attack them randomly ? I know that some people will say that if everyone is owning a weapon, it will create KO’s. No it will not create KO’s, instead will create orders. As of now, the KO is already there. People are coming to sell their animals and do business. If they are no longer able to do, the terrorists will recruit them and there will be more KOs in the future The terrorists want to make impossible for the citizens to do business therefore they can recruit them to expand the terrorist activity and network. The government of Burkina Faso, wake up and let the good citizens buy themselves some weapons. I guarantee you if the citizens have weapons, it will not create any KOs and the game will change The reason that owning weapons in the impacted areas will not create KOs is that everyone know each other and do business with each other. These citizens will not get up and start killing one another. The citizens know the bad guys. These citizens are not criminals, they just and must protect themselves and their families. We all understand that. The criminal terrorists have weapons whether the government wants it or not. Now, You need to let the good people and good citizens buy their own weapons. To stop the bad, you need to have a good guy with the means of protection. Let be real, no country has the means to protect every citizen. My government (burkina Faso government) you need to stop this utopian ways of thinking. It is technically impossible to protect your citizens in the Northern part of the country. Please allow them to protect themselves with their own means of protection. I am sure these people who just got killed would rather have the chance to fight back even if they die later on the respective families and the entire country would have appreciate their efforts. But You the government, you are taking away, everyone’s God given rights to protect and defend themselves against any enemy’s aggressive behavior by forbidding the citizens of owning weapon. Please give the people the same level of playing field with the terrorists. If you level the playing field, this terrorism will be finished in a year. I know some people will say that in America, you have massive shooting all the time. But guess what ? In America massive shooting happens most often in States and Cities where guns laws are too tight. In places like Texas or in other Southern states where owing guns is allowed, the people take care of the criminals before law enforcement gets there. So please, all you smart and opinionated people don’t even try to bring up any massive shooting argument here. Because our citizens are being killed, and perhaps you are not affected at all. You still drinking and having fun with your entire family while other people are being killed and you just want to talk too much about theories and some intellectual Bullish ideas that you learned from colonial school of doing nothing but talks. Action is concrete, and theory is bullish. Take action and let people protect themselves. If this was happening in Europe, the European governments would distribute weapons to their citizens or let them buys their own weapons to protect themselves.