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Marche pour la levée du couvre-feu : Une chaude matinée à Bobo-Dioulasso

30 mai 2020, 16:16, par Leiw

En effet, cette marche est l’initiative des acteurs culturels de la ville de Sya.

In fact, here is the problem. People who gave the idea of this marche are the Cultural Actors. Who gave the idea to the Cultural Actors ? Is the Cultural Actors working for some exogenous forces ? Who finance the Cultural centers in Bobo ? Guys, we have a long way to go with this stupidity. We are easily manipulated to destroy our own lives. Why are you even trying to defy the curfew ? When times are though this not the best way to approach by defy the law.
Wake up black people, you are easily manipulated for nothing.
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