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L’hôpital Yalgado Ouédrogo demande aux médecins et aux infirmiers de rejoindre l’hôpital pour prendre en charge de nombreux blessés qui y sont amenés.

30 octobre 2014, 20:22, par William Gyamfi

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Burkina Fasso ,
We can understand your frustration and anger. We are with you both in soul and spirit. Every single life is very precious. We hope and pray that an amicable solution could be found without necessarily shedding of more blood. To all the security forces, we plead with you to be professional and circumspective in all your undertakings and to safeguard the precious lives of our sisters, brothers and parents. Without the people there is no Burkina Fasso, so please be professional and save lives. May GOD bless and guide Burkina Fasso and all the people who live in it. Long Live Burkina Fasso, Long Live the People.
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