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2 mai 2020, 12:03, par Cheinggola Godd

Dear reader,
The Book of Black People is the Universal black people liberation front scientific principle & Ideology to form unity based on understanding of the law of nature scientifically that will help us to create united front with uniform continental scientific principle.
The project objective is also to share knowledge with public in African countries and communities around the globe as well as for those who need to wake-up from illusion syndrome coma.
Our world has luck of truth and scientific information that contributed to keep our people mind in the dark within the world of ignorance ; because, ignorance is luck of scientific information and truth.
The main reason African people and many undeveloped nations suffering is that the brain of mass population has been controlled by barbaric primitive fabricated believe story books. These crimes against human race have been enforced by advanced nations governing body that benefit to control the technological advancement of human brain potential around the globe. You as a person who distinguished between fiction and reality must be able to liberate fellow citizens from brain potential damagers as well as systematic colonizers in every possible way.
The attached file that contained the information and direction you need to save our people from dyeing-out without notice. Because, our planet survival modern mechanics is based on advance in science and technology, military power, develop the nation’s manpower brain in mathematics and pure science. Any nation who left behind will be slaved, used as slave labor, and eradicated to preserve the land for colonizer’s future technological advancement. Move toward to the future by reshaping the mass population mind in scientific principle as well as aggressive human brain potential development education system.
Don’t give-up on your potential and remind yourself how to improve the endless suffering of our people. We all are victims of illusive human race killers by design. Liberating human mind from illusion is the answer to stop human race starvation ; because, the brain of mass population becomes creative, productive, visionary, and will be survivor at any circumstances.

Cheinggola Godd
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